Be a Loadcentral Retailer now and experience the most convenient way of re-loading your customers/ future customers. Retailership Activation / Registration is absolutely free. You can register through Online Registration or SMS Registration...
You'll receive a confirmation message on your registered phone telling that you're already a retailer. You'll be registered within 24 hours after filling up of the REGISTRATION FORM OR sending an SMS REGISRTATION REQUEST.
2. SMS Registration:
You'll receive a confirmation message on your registered phone telling that you're already a retailer. You'll be registered within 24 hours after filling up of the REGISTRATION FORM OR sending an SMS REGISRTATION REQUEST.
I highly suggest that you use the Registration Form instead of SMS Registration because the processing time is the same (within 24 hours).
1. Online Registration:
- Please fill up the Registration Form (Click here)
2. SMS Registration:
- Please send the following information to 0926-7724677
- Register<space>Mobile Number you want to be registered<space>Full Name(including M.I.)<comma>Address<comma>Email Address
Example: Regsiter 09181234567 Juan T. Delos Santos, 123 kalye st. Brgy. Kapitolyo Pasig City, then send it to 0926-7724677